Please contact the studio for more information and advice on how much time to book.
Hourly Rate. Min 2hr booking
4 hours
Day Rate (between 4-8 hours)
All of our studio prices include both producers and use of all the studios equipment.
Dry-hire booking is not available.
Longer days can be arranged upon request.
Photos and videos will also be taken by us for social media content for no extra charge (with granted permission).
Calliope is consistently busy and usually books a minimum of a month ahead, so please book any studio time as early as possible to avoid disappointment. If you have specific dates in mind then please contact the studio a minimum of six weeks in advance.
We can accept bank transfers, PayPal, cash or cheque. A deposit is required to confirm a booking.
If you overrun your booked time, each hour extra will be at a higher rate of £60/hr.
If you finished in less time than your booked session, you cannot be refunded any time remaining.
(not the same as the rehearsal room policy. Please see the rehearsal page for cancelling rehearsals)
A 20% deposit is required to confirm every booking. Any booking cancelled up to two weeks before the session date can be transferred to another date, once only. However, if no further booking is made the deposit will be lost. Any bookings cancelled less than two weeks before the session date will lose their deposit. Bookings cancelled less than seven days before the session date will need to be paid in full (at the studio’s discretion).
At Calliope we’re not happy unless our customers are. If you are not entirely satisfied with your recording, simply contact the studio within ten days of the session and we’ll provide extra studio time for you to make corrections. Unfortunately this offer does not extend to contributing factors that are beyond the studios control (for example performance quality or lack of appropriate time booked).